Friday, March 11, 2011

Arrests Condemned

Kerry/ Limerick 32csm Condemn the Arrests Of Activists

Joint Statement On Arrests Of 32CSM Activists In Kerry

The North Kerry and Limerick Cumainn of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement jointly condemn the arrest of two of their members on the evening of March 5th following a successful No Queen protest in Tralee earlier that day.

Special Branch followed three members of the Limerick Cumann on their way back home until they stopped in Listowel to get something to eat. There they met with a member of the North Kerry Cumann who had just finished work and wanted to know how the protest went.

The two younger members of the Limerick Cumann went outside the premises for a cigarette. While outside, they were confronted by six special branch detectives who proceeded to continue the harassment and intimidation they had plagued the members with earlier at the protest. Upon seeing this, the third Limerick member and the North Kerry member went outside to ask what was going on. Before they had time to ‘finish their sentence’ the special branch called for back-up who were already waiting up the street. 14 Gardaí arrived on the scene, including a people carrier. The Gardaí produced handcuffs and informed the two men that they were under arrest.

The North Kerry man was bent over a car. When the handcuffs were being put on him his left hand was bent up so far it touched his head. The Garda attempted the same with the man’s right hand but ‘it physically could not go up’. The Garda then told him to stop resisting arrest; five more Gardaí helped him finish the job and threw him into the back of the people carrier. The Limerick man was arrested similarly.

They were questioned at the station until morning, all the while Gardaí refusing to inform them of what they had been arrested for. The North Kerry member was released with a caution for refusing to heed the word of a detective. The Limerick man was released with a charge of loitering. Both men still had marks from the handcuffs the following day.

This cowardly act will not deter the North Kerry and Limerick Cumainn 32csm from arranging further protests.

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