Friday, July 22, 2011

Marian Price Charged

In a blatant attempt to disguise the political reality that internment is in use the British authorities have brought fabricated charges against republican Marian Price to portray her detention as being ordered by a court and not a British Minister. This same British Minister has interned others, including Brendan Lillis, who is critically ill, and all calls for his immediate release have fallen on deaf and indifferent ears. Is this the so called new beginning widely hailed by those who are administrators of this insidious regime?

Marian Price was interned on the day the micro ministers in Stormont were appointing another puppet, a so called ‘Justice Minister’; these charges also protect that position from exposure as being a toothless façade. Nothing has changed. The criminalisation policy of the British government towards Irish republicans continues as does our steadfast resistance to it. These actions demonstrate clearly the failure of the so called peace process to address the root cause of the conflict. The 32CSM calls for the immediate release of Marian Price, Brendan Lillis and all political detainees. We call for the implementation of the agreement in Maghaberry and an immediate end to political policing.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Arrests Condemned

Kerry/ Limerick 32csm Condemn the Arrests Of Activists

Joint Statement On Arrests Of 32CSM Activists In Kerry

The North Kerry and Limerick Cumainn of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement jointly condemn the arrest of two of their members on the evening of March 5th following a successful No Queen protest in Tralee earlier that day.

Special Branch followed three members of the Limerick Cumann on their way back home until they stopped in Listowel to get something to eat. There they met with a member of the North Kerry Cumann who had just finished work and wanted to know how the protest went.

The two younger members of the Limerick Cumann went outside the premises for a cigarette. While outside, they were confronted by six special branch detectives who proceeded to continue the harassment and intimidation they had plagued the members with earlier at the protest. Upon seeing this, the third Limerick member and the North Kerry member went outside to ask what was going on. Before they had time to ‘finish their sentence’ the special branch called for back-up who were already waiting up the street. 14 Gardaí arrived on the scene, including a people carrier. The Gardaí produced handcuffs and informed the two men that they were under arrest.

The North Kerry man was bent over a car. When the handcuffs were being put on him his left hand was bent up so far it touched his head. The Garda attempted the same with the man’s right hand but ‘it physically could not go up’. The Garda then told him to stop resisting arrest; five more Gardaí helped him finish the job and threw him into the back of the people carrier. The Limerick man was arrested similarly.

They were questioned at the station until morning, all the while Gardaí refusing to inform them of what they had been arrested for. The North Kerry member was released with a caution for refusing to heed the word of a detective. The Limerick man was released with a charge of loitering. Both men still had marks from the handcuffs the following day.

This cowardly act will not deter the North Kerry and Limerick Cumainn 32csm from arranging further protests.

Queen Not Welcome

Kerry 32csm held a successfull protest recently against the British Queen and to raise awareness of the phlight of our POWs in Maghaberry gaol. Once again the special Branch were out in force harrassing and trying to intimidate Republicans who were holding a peaceful protest. This will not deter us from holding further protests in the county it will actually make us more determined.

Monday, January 3, 2011

32CSM 2011 New Year Statement

32 County Sovereignty Movement
New Years Statement

We commend our activists for their diligence and hard work in attempting to secure the integrity of our national sovereignty. We applaud the efforts of others who struggle likewise under their own chosen banner. We send New Year greetings to republican POW’s and their families and rededicate ourselves to their service.

2010 was a year which laid bare the harsh realities of our struggle. In protest against the degradation of strip searching and its vindictive use republican POW’s embarked on a series of actions in protest against the Stormont’s regime deliberate policy of attacking republican prisoners. Matched on the outside by regular vigils and marches the political opposition which was generated forced the authorities into negotiations.

With the use of agreed independent arbiters an agreement was reached to the satisfaction of all. However the authorities have resumed their original policy of using strip searching to degrade the prisoners. This was a political decision which has implications for all republicans. An attack on one prisoner is an attack on all prisoners and demands a unified response from all republican organisations. Our resolve must at least match that of the prisoners if we are to successfully confront Stormont’s prison policy.

The recent disclosure of State papers clearly shows that the issue of republican prisoners was a cornerstone in British strategy to undermine our struggle. They clearly show how Dublin also collaborated to achieve the same end. This collaboration now has an added dimension in that former comrades are now part of the British establishment in Ireland. That establishment takes it for granted that its members collaborate in the wider British interest. We openly call on the PSF leadership to come clean and to stop talking out of both sides of their mouths. It is your regime which is inflicting this degradation on republican prisoners. Is this your so called peaceful alternative to Irish unity? It is your actions that define you not your words, overt or otherwise.

2010 also witnessed seismic events in economic terms. Fianna Fáil’s self serving economics led the State to bankruptcy. It bailed out bankers and developers and levied the bill on ordinary citizens. They privatised profits and socialised losses. They surrendered their so called sovereignty to the International Monetary Fund all the while denying it in drunken interviews to the people. But the real issue for republicans and socialists is that our protests failed to impact on events. The crisis in capitalism, which should have opened up so many opportunities for our cause, was duly addressed by capitalism itself. This is the reality we must face and we must face it pragmatically.

2011 must be a year of introspection and innovation. We must look at ourselves and address our failings. What went before has reached its zenith. We need to explore and devise new ways of getting our message across. We need to be more innovative in our protests. We can no longer be satisfied that our protests simply happen: they must also have meaningful effect.

We address young republicans everywhere; this is your time, it is your era, your society, your technological age, you need to lead the way on this front. Irish society has evolved a new language in which it communicates with itself and we need to learn it. Republicanism needs your ideas to advance.

The continued violation of our national sovereignty has led to the inevitable consequence of armed struggle. Those who are engaging in military operations against British occupation have every right to do so, as they always had throughout our history. The function of the Sovereignty Movement is not to question this right nor question the merits of invoking it but to address the cause which makes it inevitable. This we will continue to do in whatever way we deem to be progressive. Treating the Irish Republican Army as a militia is a deeply flawed approach.